How to Stop Baby from Waking Up Early: Top Tips for Restful Mornings

how to stop baby from waking up early

If you’re reading this, your baby is likely waking up early, and you’re looking for a solution. It can be exhausting to start your day before the sun even rises, so I understand how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, you can take some practical steps to help your early bird sleep a bit longer. Let’s explore some effective strategies to help you and your early riser baby get the rest you need.

A consistent sleep schedule is key to preventing your cute little alarm clock from waking up early. Ensuring your baby gets enough sleep overall, considering factors like nap lengths and the timing of naps, can greatly influence early waking patterns. As counterintuitive as it may seem, a baby that’s too tired might actually struggle to sleep well.

In addition to sleep schedules, other factors can contribute to early morning wakings. In the following sections, we will look into possible reasons behind your baby’s early rising and offer practical solutions to help establish healthy sleep habits. With this knowledge, you will be better prepared to tackle those early morning wake-ups and keep your baby snoozing for longer.

How Early Is Too Early?

As a parent, you might be wondering how early is too early for your baby to wake up in the morning. It’s crucial to understand that every baby is different, and their sleep patterns may vary. However, most babies around six months old need approximately 12 to 15 hours of sleep within a 24-hour cycle, with 10 to 12 hours being during the night and the rest split between daytime naps.

The ideal wake-up time for a baby varies depending on their age, but generally speaking, any time before 6:00 a.m. is considered too early. Babies need a certain amount of sleep each day to support their growth and development, so it’s important to ensure they get enough sleep at night. If your baby consistently wakes up before 6:00 a.m., it may be a sign that they’re not getting enough sleep or that their sleep schedule needs to be adjusted to help them sleep through these early morning hours and avoid early morning wake ups.

If you notice your baby waking up much earlier than expected, you first need to consider their bedtime. An early bedtime might be causing your baby to wake up early. You can try to gradually adjust their bedtime by 10 minutes each night until you find a suitable time that helps them stay asleep longer. Remember to give it a solid week or two before deciding whether the experiment succeeded.

To Learn All About Why You Baby Wakes Up To Early, We Strongly Recommend Jilly’s Course Called “Early Wakings No More.”

What Causes Baby to Wake Up Early?

Let’s face it, early morning wakings can be tough on parents and babies alike. But understanding what’s causing your little one to wake up early can help you make changes to their sleep environment and routine to promote better sleep.

One reason babies wake up early is their circadian rhythm, which tends to wake them up between 6 am and 7:30 am. However, every baby is different, so their wake-up time may vary. Overtiredness can also be a culprit, so make sure your baby is getting enough daytime naps and a consistent bedtime routine.

Schedule changes, growth spurts, teething, and sleep regressions can also disrupt sleep patterns and lead to early wakings. To help your baby adjust, stick to a consistent sleep routine. And if you’re potty training a toddler, be patient and encourage their self-regulation.

If your baby is waking up frequently at night, they may struggle to settle back into sleep and wake up early as a result. Creating a comfortable sleep environment with the right temperature, a darkened room, and a consistent bedtime routine can help reduce night wakings and improve overall sleep quality.

By understanding the reasons behind your baby’s early wakings, you can change their sleep routine and environment to promote better sleep. And hopefully, you can both catch a few more Z’s in the morning!

How Do I Stop My Baby From Waking Up Early?

Waking up too early can be a challenge for both you and your baby. Here are some friendly tips to help adjust your baby’s sleep schedule and keep them sleeping longer:

1. Gradually adjust bedtime: Try putting your baby to bed earlier, around 7 or 7:30 p.m., by gradually moving up their bedtime by 10 minutes each night if they’re going to bed later than that. Don’t expect results immediately, though – give your earlier bedtime a solid week or two before deciding if this approach is successful.

2. Optimize nap timing: It’s possible that the timing of your baby’s naps or the length of the naps themselves needs adjustment. If your child has too much awake time during the day, they may be overtired at bedtime and more likely to sleep poorly and wake up early.

3. Check for excessive day sleep: If your baby takes too many naps or sleeps too much during the day, this can lead to shortened night sleep and an early wake-up call. Monitor their day’s sleep and ensure it’s appropriate for their age.

4. Add more calories during the day: If your baby might wake up due to hunger, try adding more calories to their daily routine. You can add a few extra ounces into bottles, an additional nursing session, or help them eat more snacks. This should help them stay fuller longer and minimize the chances of waking up early to feed.

5. Tinker with naps and wake times: By adjusting bedtime, naps, and wake times, you’ll be on your way to helping your baby wake up at a more reasonable hour. Experiment with these factors to find the best combination for your baby’s sleep schedule.

Do You Have a Baby Sleep Routine in Place?

Bedtime Routine

Establishing a bedtime routine can greatly improve your baby’s sleep schedule. A consistent routine helps signal your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Begin by choosing a consistent bedtime, ideally between 7 and 7:30 p.m. Each night, follow a sequence of calming activities such as giving your baby a warm bath, reading a story, or singing a lullaby. Turn down the lights and keep the environment quiet and soothing. Remember to put your baby down in their crib or bassinet while drowsy but not yet asleep so they learn to fall asleep independently.

Read More: 5 Steps to a Baby Bedtime Routine That Works

Nap Schedule

Developing a consistent nap time schedule is crucial for maintaining healthy sleep patterns. Babies thrive on routine, and napping at the same time each day will help your baby become less overtired and sleep more soundly throughout the night. Keep an eye on your baby’s cues for when they are tired, and establish a nap schedule that aligns with these natural patterns. Adjust the nap schedule to ensure it remains developmentally appropriate as your baby develops and grows.

  • Newborns (0-3 months): Typically require frequent naps every 1.5-2 hours
  • Infants (4-6 months): Usually take 3-4 naps per day, each lasting about 45-90 minutes
  • Babies (7-12 months): Generally nap twice a day, for 1-2 hours each time
  • Toddlers (1-2 years): Often need one afternoon nap, lasting 1.5-3 hours

It’s okay if there are occasional variations to this schedule, but aim for consistency to ensure your baby gets the rest they need.

Learn everything you need to know with Jilly’s online course about naps called Naps: “Getting Down in the Daytime”

Morning Routine

By setting consistent wake-up times for your baby, you’ll help regulate their internal sleep clock and contribute to a more consistent sleep schedule. In the morning, open the curtains, engage in playtime, and don’t be overly concerned about everyday noises. This will help your baby differentiate day and night, improving their sleep patterns.

Establishing a good morning routine can help babies sleep in later. Here are some tips:

  1. Avoid early feedings: If your baby is waking up early looking for a feeding, try to avoid feeding them too early. Gradually delay the feeding time until it’s closer to the time you want them to wake up.
  2. Stick to a consistent schedule: A consistent sleep schedule can help regulate your baby’s circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. Try to keep nap times and bedtimes consistent.
  3. Resist bad habits: If you consistently respond to your baby’s early morning wakings by feeding or playing with them, they may associate waking up early with getting attention and stimulation. This can reinforce the early waking behavior and make it harder to break the habit.

Is Your Baby’s Room Set Up for Sleep?

Creating the perfect sleep environment for your baby can help them sleep better and for longer periods, which means more rest for you, too. Let’s review two essential factors to ensure your baby’s room is set up for sleep: light and noise control.

Light Control

Controlling the amount of light in your baby’s room is vital in establishing a healthy sleep environment. Using room-darkening shades or blackout curtains can help reduce sunlight and artificial light while your baby sleeps. A dark room helps regulate their internal clock and encourages them to sleep more soundly during the night.

  • Curtains or shades should block out sunlight effectively to create a dim and soothing environment.
  • Choose a color and material that complements the room’s decor and maintains the desired level of darkness.

You Might Want to Check Out Our Post All About The Best Blackout Curtains for Babys Nursery

Noise Control

Another essential aspect of setting up your baby’s room for sleep is controlling noise levels. While some babies may need complete silence, others may benefit from consistent background noise, often called “white noise.”

A white-noise machine (aka sound machine) can help drown out inconsistent sounds that can disturb your baby’s sleep. This can be especially helpful if you live in a noisy area or have other family members in the house making noise during the baby’s sleep hours.

  • Choose a white noise machine or app with various settings to find the noise that works best for your baby.
  • Ensure the volume is reasonable to not overpower the natural sounds in the room but still provide comfort for your baby.

Is Your Baby Waking Up Hungry?

If your baby is waking up early, it’s important to determine whether hunger is the cause. To do so, observe their behavior during those early wakings. If they are genuinely hungry, they will not give up easily and will likely require a feeding to settle down. However, hunger may not be the issue if they can be soothed without feeding and go back to sleep for a longer stretch.

If your baby is waking up too early and hungry, offer them full feedings throughout the day.

Other Possible Causes of Early Waking

Sleep Pressure

Sleep pressure is the biological drive to sleep that builds up throughout the day as a result of being awake. When sleep pressure is high, it’s easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. In babies, sleep pressure is influenced by a number of factors, including age, activity level, and the timing and duration of naps and feedings.

When a baby wakes up too early in the morning, it’s often because their sleep pressure has not built up enough to keep them asleep. This can happen if they’ve had an early bedtime or if their daytime sleep schedule is not well-regulated. By adjusting your baby’s sleep schedule and ensuring that they’re getting enough sleep, you can help to build up their sleep pressure and reduce the likelihood of early morning wakings.

Growth Spurts

Growth spurts can impact early morning wakings in a couple of ways. First, during a growth spurt, a baby’s body works hard to build new tissues and cells, which can cause them to feel hungrier than usual. This increased hunger may cause them to wake up earlier in the morning looking for a feeding.

Second, growth spurts can also disrupt a baby’s sleep schedule, causing them to wake up early or have difficulty falling asleep at night. This can be due to the discomfort associated with growing pains or simply because their body is experiencing many changes and needs more rest.

If you suspect your baby is experiencing a growth spurt, it’s important to be patient and give them the extra care and attention they need. This may mean adjusting their feeding schedule or offering more comfort during the night. By doing so, you can help them get the rest they need to support their growth and development.

Achieving New Milestones

New milestones can impact early morning wakings in babies because they are often accompanied by changes in their physical and cognitive development. For example, when babies learn to crawl or walk, they may become more active during the day, increasing their sleep pressure and helping them sleep better at night. However, if they cannot crawl or walk, they may become frustrated and wake up early in the morning looking for stimulation.

Similarly, when a baby is learning new skills, such as language or problem-solving, their brain may become more active, making it harder for them to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. This increased brain activity can also cause them to wake up earlier in the morning.

Teething Troubles

Teething can impact early morning waking in babies because the process of teething can be uncomfortable and painful for them. As their teeth emerge, they may experience soreness, swelling, and irritation in their gums, making it difficult for them to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. This discomfort can also cause them to wake up earlier in the morning looking for comfort.

In addition, teething can also cause changes in a baby’s feeding habits. They may become more fussy or refuse to eat, leading to hunger and early morning wakings.

To help soothe teething pain, provide cold teething rings or use a soft cloth to massage their gums gently. Remember that this is a passing stage, and their sleep should return to normal once the new tooth emerges.


Trapped gas can cause discomfort, leading to your baby waking up early. Provide gentle tummy time massages during the day and try adjusting their feeding routine to help eliminate gas buildup. Make sure to burp your baby after each feed to release any trapped air.

Medical Condition

Occasionally, a medical condition, such as an ear infection or reflux, can cause your baby to wake up early. Monitor your baby closely for any signs of illness, such as fever, excessive fussiness, or unusual behavior, and consult your pediatrician if you suspect a medical issue.

Screen Time

Exposure to screens before bedtime can interfere with your baby’s ability to fall asleep and might cause early morning wake-ups. Restrict screen time in the hour before bedtime and ensure their sleep environment is calm and relaxing, encouraging a more consistent sleep routine.

Getting Professional Help

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your baby may still wake up too early. In these cases, it’s a good idea to seek professional help. A pediatrician can offer advice tailored to your situation or even suggest sleep training methods you may not have considered.

Sleep training can be a game-changer for both you and your baby. It teaches your little one the valuable skill of self-soothing, making it easier for them to go back to sleep when they wake up in the early hours. There are various sleep training methods available, so consult with your pediatrician to find the one that works best for your baby’s age, temperament, and your parenting style.

A pediatrician may sometimes recommend supplementation with melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wake cycles, to help your baby sleep through the night. However, this should only be done under the guidance of a medical professional, as melatonin supplements are not appropriate for all infants.

To ensure the best results, regularly communicate with your pediatrician about your baby’s progress and any concerns you may have. They can help you adjust your approach, as needed, for a more rested and peaceful household.

Remember, consistency and patience are key. With the right guidance and support, you and your baby will be on your way to better sleep. Keep up the good work!