When Baby Just Won’t Sleep – Hire a Baby Sleep Coach

baby sleep coach

Your baby isn’t sleeping and you’re exhausted.

You’ve tried many different sleep training methods, listened to advice from your friends and family and nothing sleep to be helping your baby sleep better.

If you find yourself in a challenging sleep situation, you might be a good candidate to hire a sleep consultant.

Here’s how to know when it’s time to hire a baby sleep coach:

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Should I Get Help From a Baby Sleep Coach?

You deserve to be well-rested.

Getting enough sleep will help you be a better mom.

The internet is full of information about your baby’s sleep. But let’s be honest, having all of this information can be overwhelming. And some of it is just plain wrong.

I am always amazed at the suggestions I see when a mom asks a sleep question in a Facebook group. Some of the suggestions are completely unsafe while others are completely ridiculous.

If you are tired, overwhelmed, and frustrated with your baby’s sleep habits (or lack thereof), think about how sleeping better could help you and your whole family.

If your lack of sleep and lack of routine is making life crazy for you and your spouse and family, a sleep consultant can help.

How Old Should My Baby Be to See Results from a Sleep Coach?

Rather than focusing on a specific age, think about how tired you are and how out of whack your life is becoming because of sleep. Once babies are 2 weeks old and are properly gaining weight, you can begin to work on routines and sleep.

When your baby is around 6-months old you’ll have a good idea about whether sleep is going well or not, though you can start working with a sleep consultant much earlier – or much later.

Many of the sleep consultants I discuss below work with young babies, toddlers, and even some older children.

What Does a Sleep Coach for Babies Do?

A baby sleep coach or consultant helps parents get their babies into a healthy sleep routine with custom plans, video courses, phone calls, and even overnight stays.

Services can range from less than $50 for an online course up to $3,500 for overnight visits and a year of support.

How to Choose a Baby Sleep Coach or Consultant?

I think it’s best to visit a few different sleep consultant websites and see what feels right for you. You’ll want to find someone who has a similar sleep philosophy as yours.

  • Taking Cara Babies is run by a mom of four, neonatal nurse, wife of a pediatrician, and certified pediatric sleep consultant. Her approach is fun and casual and she makes you feel part of an awesome club just for moms.
  • The Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman takes a no-nonsense approach to baby and toddler sleep. She really emphasizes that all parents are different and tailors her programs to accommodate different parenting styles within The Sleep Sense™ Program.
  • The Sleep Lady takes a very understanding and gentle approach. Kim West, who is the sleep lady, is all about responsive parenting, which means as a parent sleep-trains a child, there is a balance between comforting and allowing them to learn to comfort themselves,

Before you decide on a program, make sure you find out how much training they have had in pediatric sleep, how long they have been a sleep coach, what the costs are, and whether they guarantee their work.

ProgramCertificationsYears of ExperiencePrice OptionsGuarantee
Taking Cara Babies-Association of Professional Sleep Consultants
– Certified Sleep Science Coach
12$39-$31930 Day Money Back Guarantee
Sleep Sense by Dana Obleman13$47-$12912 Month “NO Hassle” Gaurantee
The Sleep Lady26$149-$39930 Day Money Back Gaurantee

Lastly, Please Know That It’s OK to Get Help When Your Baby Won’t Sleep

As a mom, it’s hard to ask for help. I get it. We want to think we can do it all and that this whole mom thing should come naturally to us. I am here to tell you IT’S OK TO GET HELP!

A baby sleep coach can help you decide if your child is ready for sleep training. She can also help you decide what method to use. Even a good sleep book can’t take into account your family’s unique circumstances.

Sometimes we need help and that is okay! Getting a plan that matches your parenting style is so important.

Consistency is also essential to sleep coaching success. It can be difficult to stick to your plan without the support of someone with a lot of experience.

A sleep coach offers support and accountability.

You Deserve a Full Night’s Sleep (And So Does Your Baby!)

Imagine how blissful it will be to finally enjoy a full night’s sleep! You don’t have to wait a second longer to start teaching your child healthy sleep habits.

Here are links to the four consultants and their courses listed above:

I hope you’re able to find the help you deserve!

More Favorite Sleep Resources



Online Courses/Consulting