3 Must Read Baby Sleep Books for Exhausted Moms

baby sleep books

I just love sleep, don’t you? In fact, the only thing I dreaded about becoming a mother was the idea of losing sleep. Before my daughter was born, I read all the baby sleep books I could get my hands on and researched everything I could on how to get my baby to sleep all night.

The books below are my absolute favorite resources for great baby sleep. I’ve read them a few times each and learned lots of great tips and tricks that helped my babies sleep through the night (most of the time anyway).

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Best Books for Baby Sleep Advice

I can’t guarantee that these baby sleep books will make your little one sleep, but I can guarantee that these books will expand your knowledge of infant sleep and give you a lot more confidence (and sanity).

  1. The Happiest Baby on the Block; Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer
The Happiest Baby on the Block; Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer

The first book I stumbled on that gave me immediate results was the Happiest Baby on the Block. It was through this book that I learned about the “fourth trimester,” or the period after giving birth when babies adjust to the outside world.

The book describes the “5 S’s”: swaddling, side or stomach, shushing, swinging, sucking

All this time, your baby had grown accustomed to your womb. She tucked herself into a fetal position and slept with the constant movement you made as you were up and about.

These 5 S’s mimic that environment to calm her right when she needs it.

And it worked like a miracle. My daughter would stop fussing if I swaddled her, placed her on her side, turned on white noise, swung or rocked her, or nursed her to sleep.

For any brand new mom desperate for sleep, the 5 S’s can work wonders. Download the e-version or audiobook version (free with Audible trial) so you can start implementing the 5 S’s right now.

2. Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, 5th Edition: A New Step-by-Step Guide for a Good Night’s Sleep

If you like research-based information and solid sleep advice, this is what the book delivers.

Dr. Marc Weissbluth’s offers a step-by-step program for working with your baby’s natural sleep cycles has long been the standard-setter in baby sleep books.

This book also takes you into the toddler and even school ages years so it’s one you’ll have around for a while. Buy here.

3. The Happy Sleeper: The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night’s Sleep-Newborn to School Age

The main premise is that you don’t need to train your baby to sleep, your baby was built to sleep and we just need to help them do what they’re built for. Buy here.

Favorite Sleep Resources




And If You Need Extra Help Getting Your Baby to Sleep

Maybe you’ve already read several books, tried all the tips, and just need some extra help (from an expert) to get your baby to sleep. For more in-depth help I want to recommend the Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman.

Dana’s been a full-time sleep consultant since 2003 and offers a step-by-step formula to help parents solve their child’s sleep problems – and can get your child sleeping straight through the night!

Dana will make recommendations based on your baby’s age, personality, and sleeping habits, so the best way to get started is by telling her a little about your son or daughter through a six-question quiz. After you complete it you’ll get a free sleep assessment specific to your baby.